
How Important is the Surface Accuracy of Floor Bases?

Surface Accuracy Surface accuracy is defined as the relative difference in elevation over prescribed distances. In simpler terms, it is a measure of the flatness of a surface. Owing to the nature of flooring materials and the construction processes involved,Read More How Important is the Surface Accuracy of Floor Bases?

Ready-Mix Screed or Site-Mixed Screed – the better option?

With screed failure becoming a widespread issue in the UK, contractors and builders are more cautious than ever when it comes to choosing their screed. Is ready-mixed screed – the screed batched and mixed in the factory and delivered toRead More Ready-Mix Screed or Site-Mixed Screed – the better option?

Portland Cement : A Brief History

History and Development of Portland Cement Portland cement, arguably one of mankind’s most important manufactured materials, was invented and patented by Joseph Aspdin from Leeds in 1824. Aspdin produced cement by heating powdered limestone mixed with clay in a furnace,Read More Portland Cement : A Brief History

The Difference between Concrete and Screed

Concrete and screed and are essentially formed of the same basic ingredients – cement, aggregates and water. But what makes them different is- the size of aggregates, the cement grade, mix consistency, and of course their intended application or use.Read More The Difference between Concrete and Screed

The Pros and Cons of Manufactured Sand

Before we get into the advantages and disadvantages of manufactured sand, what exactly is manufactured sand? Manufactured sand is sand produced by crushing rocks, quarry stones or larger aggregates pieces into sand-sized particles. Natural sand, on the other hand isRead More The Pros and Cons of Manufactured Sand

The Different Aggregate Options

Aggregates are inert, granular materials which form a major component of screed and concrete mixes. With urban expansion and environmental constraints putting a strain on the naturally occurring aggregate sources such as sand, gravel and crushed rock, the construction industryRead More The Different Aggregate Options

The components that make a good screed: A quick guide

Every detail right from the type of cement and grade of aggregate to the method of storage of materials, play a major role in determining the quality of a screed. Here are a few tips on getting the details rightRead More The components that make a good screed: A quick guide

Testing Service for Floor Screeding

We are very pleased to announce that we can now offer an impartial and independent screed testing service backed up by the real Screed Scientist at CSC Screeding. Screed quality does not have to be left to chance. Applying aRead More Testing Service for Floor Screeding

It’s not Rocket Science Part 3

Our collaboration with Tomorrows Flooring to raise awareness in the floor screeding industry continues with the next instalment of the Screed Scientist content appearing in the September 2013 edition.  See page 22 of this link: The article covers: RightRead More It’s not Rocket Science Part 3

Checklist for onsite supervision for screeding Tips 4 – 6

Following on from Checklist for onsite supervision for screeding Tips 1 – 3  we present tips 4 -6. 4. Screed Mix Check that the raw materials and the mixing of screed are correct. The ideal mix proportion for normal cement/sandRead More Checklist for onsite supervision for screeding Tips 4 – 6